Monday, November 7, 2011

[CFW]Nitro^™ Metal EditionC6-00 Rm612 V41.0.10[]5800 Rm-356|C6 Rm-612|5530 Rm-504

Posted by vonne at 3:02 AM
 --Start of Quote--
Nitro^™ OFW Edition by Jhaorosario01
C6-00 rm-612 v41.0.10

Changelogs from New Original Firmware:
-N9 icons by vova1609
-injected installserver by VOVA1609
-Fully hacked without built in errors
-Chaged the startup and shutdown Screens
-Rompatcher integrated
-Pure font with smileys in 6th page
-Stop Nokia sms mod
-Writing speed set to max
-breathing lights off by default
-disable vibration on lock/unlock
-swipe HS clean
-TV effects by gagan
-application policy mod
-great battery life
-removed message lag
-ram saves after exit on camera
-megastart up mod
-prevents apps in running in background
-improved ui games and performance
-improved rotation speed
-improved heap size
-improved wifi sensitivity
-cache in all drives for much faster performance
-Auto Installer integrated (you can download my extra files. Put thinkchange folder to drive E and run auto installer)

Ive made this for OFW C6 RM-612 V41.0.10 only. Have some modifications for us to make it as a base in making our own cfw. Flash with jaf using my files only. Rofs3 and UDA is not needed Coz files are already present in core and rofs2. Enjoy the NOKIA feel!!

New C6 rm-612 v41.0.10 Core and uda.rar
Nitro^™ OFW rofs2.RAR
Extrafiles for Auto installer

Here are the Official Firmware of C6-00 rm-612_41.010
Credits to leoaudio13. Who helped and supported me to make this things possible.
Here are the direct links :





Nitro^™ Symbian Belle Metal Edition
C6-00 Rm-612 V41.0.10


-Full Customized startup and shutdown screens
--my own HS widget arrangements
-Full N9 icons by vova1609
-Alphanumeric mod by Dan av
-Smileys fixed by notr3v3
-6th page smileys on messsaging
-4*4 menu grid
-TV effects by gagan
-Metal theme by Daeva by default edited by me to make default icons cleared
-swipe screen to clear the screen
-5 additional shorcut bars on HS
-N8 rotation speed
-USb named after Nokia Nitro^
-default profile is Nitro^
-default bluetooth name is Nitro^
-Fixed Symbian Belle HS and Navibars credits to Notr3v3
-Downclocked to 75% to save battery life
-Rompather is integrated with Anna Icon with additional patches
-Memcheck is integrated with anna icon
-Auto installer is integrated
-Nokia Notifications with anna icons
-writing speed set to max
-Tap to unlock
-Faster scrolling in music player
-My menu layout
-Music and playback volume is increased
-N8 touch Sence Belle
-Open and Close Apps Speed by djraz
-Short multi tap
-Show sim Contact by default
-UI n8 accelaration mod
-Shutdown and restart logos
-Theme preview is decreased


For Nokia C6-00 rm-612 V41.0.10 and Below
New C6-00 rm-612 v41.0.10 vCOre and Uda
Nitro^™ Metal Edition Rofs2
or download the @nd version update:
Nitro^™ Metal Perfect SBelle Edition Rofs2

For 5530 rm-504 v32 and Below
New 5530 rm-504 v32 Core
Choose your Rofs2
Nitro^™ OFW Edition 5530 rm-504 v32 R0fs2
Nitro^™ Metal Symbian Belle Edition 5530 rm-504 v32 R0fs2

Thanks to Jhaorosario01 of Symbianize.


thedoctoremo said...

Is any body there to assist me!!! i have little bit of a problem here!! i loved the OFW, but i have some suggestions about it!! u did a great word over there,but there are few things you are missing. things like the Slide To Unlock Screen, at least 4 shortcut bots, Bluetooth switch and easy key lock!!!! it would be gread if u modify your CFW with these stuff or you could assist me through the procedure!!! just give me the locations of the above files(i mean) what address of the FW should i alter to get the above mentioned files!!!

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