Adaptation from Symbianize
Credits to them and to devilbats17 for this CFW
CFW Name: Blink|Mirage
By: devilbats17
Model : Nokia 5800
Supported RM's : RM-356 (v52)
Base Firmware : C6 v40.0.021
Language : English Only
Model : Nokia 5800
Supported RM's : RM-356 (v52)
Base Firmware : C6 v40.0.021
Language : English Only
August 20, 2011
Added battery mod
Removed mini qwerty on keyboard (thanks to Kandongango17 for the file)
August 20, 2011
Added battery mod
Removed mini qwerty on keyboard (thanks to Kandongango17 for the file)
Improved touch sensitivity (now have a more responsive touchscreen phone)
Dialer icon change to Yinyang
"Videos & TV" name on menu change to "Videos" only
Change cpu and game frame rate to 25 x 75 %
Removed mailbox on messaging
Profile "General" change to "Blink|Mirage"
Music Stopper name of editor change to Blink|Mirage also
August 11, 2011
Battery landscape mod (mod by me)
Faster scrolling in Music player
Decrease preview on theme
Msg viewer and editor Font size is set to small by default
Music player Heap size n Playback volume
N8 touch sense (feel the N8 UI)
Show sim contacts by default
Music stopper already integrated to music player SS
Changed dialer to Yinyang icon
Default call volume increased to 80 and 100 in internal and loudspeaker
August 04, 2011 Update
- Added music stopper
- Fixed Anna icons size in menu (credits also to Jomar)
- Changed background of Nokia Blink to pure black (No devil icon anymore )
- New dialer icon (shuriken)
- Remove "show open apps" on options
- Gallery mod (you may set your videos to "Hidden" folder or any folder you wanted)
- Removed remaining files of google maps, global race, quick office and adobe reader 'coz of built-in error on installation
- Messages sent by you will be saved up to 999 messages
- Delivery reports ON by default
- Messaging application no longer lags when containing large number of messages.
- N8 Qwerty + Alphanumeric added with Auto rotate QWERTY
- Anna icon pack (some icons modded by me, credits & thanks also to Jomar and binh24)
- Default theme (use from early releases)
- All Lags in Menu removed
- Optimized to run very fast and smooth (Tweaked Kinetic Scrolling in Menu)
- Camera will not leave in background after close it (SAVES RAM)
- Voice recorder set to High quality
- Voice recorder records up to 12 hours
- Voice Recorder will save the file in E:\
- Camera Image Quality improved
- Camera already in use bug solved
- Gallery searching improved
- Share Online removed from Photos Homescreen
- OVI Music removed from Music Homescreen
- Video Capture predefined frame rate increased to 30fps
- Music Player will read E:\Music\
- Music player will refresh faster
- One touch N8 Equalizer
- Transparent Mediabar (credits to Jomar)
File Manager
- Nokia default file browser can send sisx, sis, jar and any protected items via bluetooth, mms and uploads
- Download manager will be started on browser start-up to resume
- Browser will prompt to continue download if connection breaks due to power failure
- Browser Cache moved to E:\
Installation Features
- Java permission is set to default
- Real Hack (modded installserver.exe by PNHT)
- SwiPolicy changed which enable to install almost apps without RomPatcher patch
- Secure Widget Preinstall (OVI Store Installer) will not run on first startup but will install at one click from menu icon
Lights behaviour
- All C6 lights bugs are fixed (mod by mara)
- Added green light while charging
- Breathing light OFF by default
Graphical/Animation Customization
- Nokia Blink customized SplashScreen and ShutdownScreen.
- Bootscreen Volume set to : 7
- Customized boot/shutdown animation location to "E:\Boot\"
- Theme effects use - Dead Meat lightning effects (credits and thanks to Kandongango17)
- Widgetized Nokia C6 Homescreen
- Full widgets support
- 4 Additional shortcuts bar. Total : 6
Bugs Fixed
- Nokia's Radio bug completely fixed. Now RDS works fine!
- Now Messaging app doesn't show two New e-mail options anymore.
- Now Messaging app doesn't lag when scrolling through a long messages list.
- All light bugs are fixed by mara-
- Camera Touch UI working properly. Now you can use both camera touch UI and camera physical button
- Fixed Smiley Bug
- Fixed Landscape Bug
- Fixed Auto-rotate Qwerty
- Added Tap to Unlock
- Gallery mod perfection
General Modifications
- "Restart" Option instead of "Lock Screen and Keys" in Power Menu by CODeRUS.
- Shutdown and restart icon changed (credits to emotionalizer)
- AnnaIcon Pack is used.
- Default C6v40 dialer added.
- Tap to Unlock added
- 4G signal is fully modded (no more "E" icons while connecting to internet - modded by me)
Dialer icon change to Yinyang
"Videos & TV" name on menu change to "Videos" only
Change cpu and game frame rate to 25 x 75 %
Removed mailbox on messaging
Profile "General" change to "Blink|Mirage"
Music Stopper name of editor change to Blink|Mirage also
August 11, 2011
Battery landscape mod (mod by me)
Faster scrolling in Music player
Decrease preview on theme
Msg viewer and editor Font size is set to small by default
Music player Heap size n Playback volume
N8 touch sense (feel the N8 UI)
Show sim contacts by default
Music stopper already integrated to music player SS
Changed dialer to Yinyang icon
Default call volume increased to 80 and 100 in internal and loudspeaker
August 04, 2011 Update
- Added music stopper
- Fixed Anna icons size in menu (credits also to Jomar)
- Changed background of Nokia Blink to pure black (No devil icon anymore )
- New dialer icon (shuriken)
- Remove "show open apps" on options
- Gallery mod (you may set your videos to "Hidden" folder or any folder you wanted)
- Removed remaining files of google maps, global race, quick office and adobe reader 'coz of built-in error on installation
- Messages sent by you will be saved up to 999 messages
- Delivery reports ON by default
- Messaging application no longer lags when containing large number of messages.
- N8 Qwerty + Alphanumeric added with Auto rotate QWERTY
- Anna icon pack (some icons modded by me, credits & thanks also to Jomar and binh24)
- Default theme (use from early releases)
- All Lags in Menu removed
- Optimized to run very fast and smooth (Tweaked Kinetic Scrolling in Menu)
- Camera will not leave in background after close it (SAVES RAM)
- Voice recorder set to High quality
- Voice recorder records up to 12 hours
- Voice Recorder will save the file in E:\
- Camera Image Quality improved
- Camera already in use bug solved
- Gallery searching improved
- Share Online removed from Photos Homescreen
- OVI Music removed from Music Homescreen
- Video Capture predefined frame rate increased to 30fps
- Music Player will read E:\Music\
- Music player will refresh faster
- One touch N8 Equalizer
- Transparent Mediabar (credits to Jomar)
File Manager
- Nokia default file browser can send sisx, sis, jar and any protected items via bluetooth, mms and uploads
- Download manager will be started on browser start-up to resume
- Browser will prompt to continue download if connection breaks due to power failure
- Browser Cache moved to E:\
Installation Features
- Java permission is set to default
- Real Hack (modded installserver.exe by PNHT)
- SwiPolicy changed which enable to install almost apps without RomPatcher patch
- Secure Widget Preinstall (OVI Store Installer) will not run on first startup but will install at one click from menu icon
Lights behaviour
- All C6 lights bugs are fixed (mod by mara)
- Added green light while charging
- Breathing light OFF by default
Graphical/Animation Customization
- Nokia Blink customized SplashScreen and ShutdownScreen.
- Bootscreen Volume set to : 7
- Customized boot/shutdown animation location to "E:\Boot\"
- Theme effects use - Dead Meat lightning effects (credits and thanks to Kandongango17)
- Widgetized Nokia C6 Homescreen
- Full widgets support
- 4 Additional shortcuts bar. Total : 6
Bugs Fixed
- Nokia's Radio bug completely fixed. Now RDS works fine!
- Now Messaging app doesn't show two New e-mail options anymore.
- Now Messaging app doesn't lag when scrolling through a long messages list.
- All light bugs are fixed by mara-
- Camera Touch UI working properly. Now you can use both camera touch UI and camera physical button
- Fixed Smiley Bug
- Fixed Landscape Bug
- Fixed Auto-rotate Qwerty
- Added Tap to Unlock
- Gallery mod perfection
General Modifications
- "Restart" Option instead of "Lock Screen and Keys" in Power Menu by CODeRUS.
- Shutdown and restart icon changed (credits to emotionalizer)
- AnnaIcon Pack is used.
- Default C6v40 dialer added.
- Tap to Unlock added
- 4G signal is fully modded (no more "E" icons while connecting to internet - modded by me)
- New battery icon - Zune battery like (modded by me)
- New dialer - Peace icon (mod by me)
- 5x4 portrait and 6x2 landscape menu grid
- PC/OVI Suite will recognise your phone as Nokia N97 Mini.
- All C6 lights problem fixed. (Mod by mara)
- Camera will not eat RAM after closing it.
- N8 Full QWERTY+Alphanumeric+landscape added
- Default bluetooth name: Devilbats17
- FOTA reserved space removed to get more space in C:\ (Phone Memory)
- Voice recording during call fixed. Your phone won't crash if you record and call someone at the same time.
- RAM Cache in C:\ for better performance
- Blazing Fast Screen Rotation
- CPU load decreased (Tip: turn-off theme effects to get a very fast phone)
- Single lock/unlock vibration
- Disabled My Nokia Service. It will prevent phone to send premium message to 5555 (Nokia) after first boot.
- Zero start up of background applications
- Auto optimization of RAM cache for keeping up your phone faster even after heavy usage
- Default Web Browser bookmarks are edited.
- Blank UDA supplied to get highest possible free space on C:\
- Modded some ".mif/ .mbm" and other animated icons files to free more space on rofs
- Lags in Menu removed. The Kinetic Scrolling is optimized
- Display rotation is ON by default
- Breathing light is OFF by default
- Added Symbian^3 Fonts Used support 6 symbols (credits to Drigz)
- Delivery Reports ON by default in Messaging
- Theme effects are OFF by default
- Removed "Check for Updates" in Device Updates
- "Summary after call" and "speed dialing" ON by default
- "In call timer" ON by default
- Profile "General" renamed to "Devilbats17♪"
- Homescreen landscape enabled. Dialer landscape disabled
- Lags in Messaging apps removed
- Changed the default widgets layout. Nokia Notifications widget comes preinstalled.
- "ShareOnline" button replaced with "Delete" in Photo Gallery mod by dan-av.
- Now you can set AutoKeyguard Lock time.
- Now Music Player will not return you to Menu after exiting it.
Performance Upgrades
- Highly Increased Application/Gaming frame rates
- Increased Response Rate (Now touchscreen will be more responsive)
- CPU frames render was increased.This will result in a smooth phone experience.
- Graphical Complexity reduced. Performance Booster without any side effects.
- Music Player response highly increased (Instantly pauses/plays on clicking the buttons)
- Reduced effects complexity which should result in a speed increase
- Increased Heap Size further to boost up performance
- Lags in Menu, messaging and Other Large Applications removed
- Polished the UI for heavy usage
- Phone will never slow down and the RAM won't be decreasing (RAM Caching modded)
- 80MB+ on C:\ (Phone memory)
- Smooth Kinetic Scrolling
- Music Player is now a lot more faster
- Real Hack! (No need to use installserver.rmp patch anymore)
- CPU mod optimized to get complete stability and a great battery life.
Removed Apps
All C6 Themes, OVI Maps 3.04, Chat, Podcasting, Image Print, OVI Contacts, OVI Music, Here and Now, Online Support, Voice Commands, Phone Switch, My Nokia, Quick Office, Adobe Reader, Help, Search, About, Share Online.
Applications Added in Rofs
BTSwitch 1.0
Rom Patcher Plus
KillME 1.36
AutoInstaller 7
Nokia File Browser
Ramblow and Memcheck --> all with Anna icons modded by me
Please Note:
1. Before Flashing please delete folders Private, Data, Resource, Sys, System and any other folders from Memory Card (Clean Flashing)
2. After successful flashing, wait for seconds until all the widgets are loaded to the homescreen.
3. MediaBar would not start at first boot. You need to restart your phone once.
4. Do a hard reset after flashing if necessary or desired
If you want core for Dalmatian use this link:
Dalmation core by binh24
- New dialer - Peace icon (mod by me)
- 5x4 portrait and 6x2 landscape menu grid
- PC/OVI Suite will recognise your phone as Nokia N97 Mini.
- All C6 lights problem fixed. (Mod by mara)
- Camera will not eat RAM after closing it.
- N8 Full QWERTY+Alphanumeric+landscape added
- Default bluetooth name: Devilbats17
- FOTA reserved space removed to get more space in C:\ (Phone Memory)
- Voice recording during call fixed. Your phone won't crash if you record and call someone at the same time.
- RAM Cache in C:\ for better performance
- Blazing Fast Screen Rotation
- CPU load decreased (Tip: turn-off theme effects to get a very fast phone)
- Single lock/unlock vibration
- Disabled My Nokia Service. It will prevent phone to send premium message to 5555 (Nokia) after first boot.
- Zero start up of background applications
- Auto optimization of RAM cache for keeping up your phone faster even after heavy usage
- Default Web Browser bookmarks are edited.
- Blank UDA supplied to get highest possible free space on C:\
- Modded some ".mif/ .mbm" and other animated icons files to free more space on rofs
- Lags in Menu removed. The Kinetic Scrolling is optimized
- Display rotation is ON by default
- Breathing light is OFF by default
- Added Symbian^3 Fonts Used support 6 symbols (credits to Drigz)
- Delivery Reports ON by default in Messaging
- Theme effects are OFF by default
- Removed "Check for Updates" in Device Updates
- "Summary after call" and "speed dialing" ON by default
- "In call timer" ON by default
- Profile "General" renamed to "Devilbats17♪"
- Homescreen landscape enabled. Dialer landscape disabled
- Lags in Messaging apps removed
- Changed the default widgets layout. Nokia Notifications widget comes preinstalled.
- "ShareOnline" button replaced with "Delete" in Photo Gallery mod by dan-av.
- Now you can set AutoKeyguard Lock time.
- Now Music Player will not return you to Menu after exiting it.
Performance Upgrades
- Highly Increased Application/Gaming frame rates
- Increased Response Rate (Now touchscreen will be more responsive)
- CPU frames render was increased.This will result in a smooth phone experience.
- Graphical Complexity reduced. Performance Booster without any side effects.
- Music Player response highly increased (Instantly pauses/plays on clicking the buttons)
- Reduced effects complexity which should result in a speed increase
- Increased Heap Size further to boost up performance
- Lags in Menu, messaging and Other Large Applications removed
- Polished the UI for heavy usage
- Phone will never slow down and the RAM won't be decreasing (RAM Caching modded)
- 80MB+ on C:\ (Phone memory)
- Smooth Kinetic Scrolling
- Music Player is now a lot more faster
- Real Hack! (No need to use installserver.rmp patch anymore)
- CPU mod optimized to get complete stability and a great battery life.
Removed Apps
All C6 Themes, OVI Maps 3.04, Chat, Podcasting, Image Print, OVI Contacts, OVI Music, Here and Now, Online Support, Voice Commands, Phone Switch, My Nokia, Quick Office, Adobe Reader, Help, Search, About, Share Online.
Applications Added in Rofs
BTSwitch 1.0
Rom Patcher Plus
KillME 1.36
AutoInstaller 7
Nokia File Browser
Ramblow and Memcheck --> all with Anna icons modded by me
Please Note:
1. Before Flashing please delete folders Private, Data, Resource, Sys, System and any other folders from Memory Card (Clean Flashing)
2. After successful flashing, wait for seconds until all the widgets are loaded to the homescreen.
3. MediaBar would not start at first boot. You need to restart your phone once.
4. Do a hard reset after flashing if necessary or desired
If you want core for Dalmatian use this link:
Dalmation core by binh24
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